
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WIP Wednesday the Thirty Ninth

So the scarf has become known as the scarf of many colors or the technicolor dream-scarf. I've reached the first color repeat, so I'm in the middle of another area where the two colorways look so similar that it's hard to tell which yarn is which. It freaks me out, but I know it'll look okay in the end because it did that when I first started the scarf and it looks totally fine.

I am worried that I won't have enough yarn to complete the scarf again (I have a feeling this will be the issue with any scarf I knit that isn't made with yarn I can just pick up at Joann's) and yet again Knit Picks has discontinued one of the color ways (I don't know why! It's so pretty!)

The baby blanket is coming along well too:

Other than that there's a lot going on this week - the husband has a weld test tomorrow. The job has it's ups and it has its downs; if he gets it, we would have to move, and we would be leaving everything that we know. However, we'd still be close enough that we could see our friends and family pretty regularly, and the area we would be moving to is a lot cheaper than where we live right now (we could get a three bedroom apartment for the price of what we pay right now) I'd also have to find a new job, because there is no way I'm making that commute. 

But once again I'm just counting our eggs before they hatch and probably jinxing ourselves...

*knocks on wood*


  1. Blanket and scarf are coming along nicely. Agree with you, the knit picks color is awesome, wonder why they discontinued it. Good luck on the maybe move...sounds like a hard decision to make.
