
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Of Cat Shenanigans and Strange Stones...

The cats are beginning to explore more and more. Connor, who is normally the scaredy cat, came out from under the bed first. He made it as far as the front room the first day, and then the next day he had supposedly made friends with my Mother in Law. On the third day she caught him playing with the other cats in the house and, somehow, he got into my Father in Law's armoire. Apparently when he went to open it to get a shirt out, all he saw was two big green eyes staring out at him. There was also an incident where he was sniffing around in the corner and somehow walked away wearing a bra on his back. Murphy, who was normally the brave one, still spends most of his time hiding under the bed. He has begun to explore, but he still hisses when he sees other cats, and runs away when he sees other people. He did rediscover the cat tree the other day though, and promptly claimed the top of it as his perch - much to my in law's cat's dismay.

The baby is getting stronger - strong enough that I can feel it's kicks from the outside if I press my hand against my belly when he's moving. Sometimes he even kicks strong enough to make my hand move a little. My husband was more than a little creeped out the first time he felt it (He says he's seen Aliens so he knows that something moving around inside of you is no good - dork). It also confused our friends poor dog - he was up on my lap this weekend when the baby started kicking, and immediately started looking around for the cause of it, never once realizing that the attack was coming from inside of me. The cats, however, are not impressed. On Sunday, when the baby started moving around again, Connor was sprawled out over my stomach and chest. Rather than jumping down, or being confused, he just snuggled against me a little more and began to purr.

I'm still doing a lot of sewing. I actually started keeping track of how much time I spend on an order since my Mother and my Father in Law both insist that I'm not charging enough and keep reminding me to pay myself. Well, if I pay myself $10.00 an hour, I'm actually right on track with my pricing. The only thing that may throw a kink in things is that I've had a lot of my fabric for ages, so I've forgotten how much I've paid for some of it.

I was able to get some writing done this week. I finished up one of the more risque stories that I'll be publishing under my pseudonym and sent it off to the betas. I also rewrote another risque story - I had been having problems with it for months, and had rewritten it at least four different times in an attempt to make it work. I quickly realized that I was over thinking it, and that keeping the story line simple was the best. Hopefully the betas agree. In addition to that I also switched around some chapters in The Undying Ones. Chapter 10 is now chapter 11, chapter 11 is chapter 12, and chapter 9 will be brand new. Hopefully this will fix the flow and the issues with writers block that I was having (so far it's definitely fixed the flow, but the writers block refuses to budge)

And now for WIPpet Wednesday!

WIPpet Wednesday is headed by KL Schwengel. To participate, just post a portion of your WIP that somehow relates to the date, and add your link to the linkee thing that's at the end of this blog.

Since today is the fourth of June, here are four paragraphs from The Descendants.
Underneath their feet the carved stone was still twinkling in the moonlight, and the gemstones that had been so dead and dull earlier in the evening appeared to be glowing now. And was she imagining things, or was the stone buzzing?
Vivian glanced at Matthew, “Do you feel that?”
“Feel what?”
“The stone... it’s vibrating...”
To read more WIPpet Wednesday posts, go here


  1. My husband got creeped out by babies moving around inside of me, too.

    Actually, I got creeped out by it. It's WEIRD. ;)

    1. The first time I felt the boy move, I actually jumped, looked down at my belly and said 'what fresh new hell is this?'. Now that I'm used to it, it doesn't phase me as much, but I do giggle and grin like an idiot when he gets going. I'm sure once he gets bigger I'll be over it and begging him to give mommy a rest lol.

  2. Nice foreshadowing! I don't know what's coming, but I know it's going to be interesting. :-)

    Baby kicks. =0) Just wait. With the 3 that made it to full term, my belly would dance.

    1. My mother in law likes to tell me stories about how my husband was the lunch time entertainment - and how he also kicked his dad out of bed once. Thankfully our bed is big enough that my husband shouldn't have that problem lol...

  3. Ooh! I wonder why the stone is vibrating.

    Baby kicks are definitely weird! I'm one of those women who never really enjoyed pregnancy, so I'm not the best judge. But I did like the baby kicks for their sheer strangeness. They didn't feel like I was expecting them to.

    1. Now that the first trimester is over with and behind me, being pregnant isn't so bad - though there are some side effects I could do without! The baby kicks are really really weird though - but they're kinda fun at the same time. I like trying to guess what he's doing, and if it's actually a kick or a punch. He's still so small it's hard to tell sometimes.

  4. I'm guessing Matthew doesn't feel the stone vibrating?

    1. Either that or he's a really good liar. Unfortunately this is the last time that we'll see him for awhile.

  5. wow, cool mystical stone that's now vibrating ... and a kicking baby! Congratulations and best wishes for your writing and your pregnancy!

  6. Kitties are the best, aren't they? LOL about the one that came out wearing a bra. How exciting about the baby! When I was preggers and the hubby and I were spooning he would always say "that baby is kicking me in the butt again" when she started kicking. Good times. :-)

    Sounds like excitement is definitely coming in the wippet!

    1. They are quite the characters, and when you add in my in-law's cats, the fun never stops!

      Supposedly my husband kicked my father in law out of bed once! Thankfully our bed is big enough that that shouldn't happen to my husband lol

  7. Fun kitty stories... Though, I wonder if it's less that the cats "aren't impressed" and more than they're claiming their impending future territory before you son comes out. ;-)

    Nice but of tension building there. Lots of things that go "boom" vibrate before they do.....

    1. LOL, I hadn't thought of that! Well, they're going to be in for a rude awakening when the baby is born!

  8. Ooh I'm intrigued. Why is the stone buzzing? Great excerpt. :)

  9. I like things that vibrate. =)

    And baby kicks are like this really cool secret code. My oldest, who will be 13 unbelievably soon, now, was a mighty kicker. He was big and long, and unleashed regularly. Went to a Scottish music performance at about 7 months, and he never stopped moving! Our second had shorter legs, and was calmer, except during circle time at the preschool I worked at. He LOVED circle time

    My daughter was a roller, and a somersaulter. At just about 10, she's still more physically daring than her brother.

    I think you can learn a lot about a baby's enduring nature from those movements. Enjoy!

    1. Well, so far I think he might be a night person like his father and I - that seems to be when he does the most kicking right now lol

  10. Ooh, glowing and vibrating! Ominous...!
